Sunday, November 1, 2009

I need my iphone...

After examining many different forms of media and what really spoke to me, I thought of the iphone. I was reluctant to get the iphone because a lot of my friends had the phone. 2 years ago, I had the Motorola Razor. I thought this was the best phone because I could get everything I needed. I used that phone everywhere I went and thought I was so cool. Not a lot of people had it at the time so I felt very “in”.

Fast forward to the introduction of the iphone.

I remember hearing how this new phone would be the best phone ever invented. Some of my friends actually stood in line to get their phone so they could be the first ones to get it. I thought it was all hype and ridiculous because I thought that a phone couldn’t get any better. For the next few months, my friends raved and bragged about their iphone and how they couldn’t live without it.

Well, you know what happened…

My phone died and I was forced to get a new phone. The phone representative told me how great the iphone was and persuaded me to get one.

Wow, was I impressed and amazed!! I had a phone that could do more than my dinosaur phone. The best part was that I could now talk to all my friends about how I couldn’t live without out my phone and how I understood what they were talking about.

These days, our world is inundated with commercials about the iphone and how great it is. I couldn’t agree anymore about this. The phone does everything I need and it’s really cool. Actually, it’s very cool!! I truly believe that I have been influenced by the media to purchase this product. The ads have given true meaning to what having an iphone gives me. Plus, the commercials reinforce why I have to have this phone in my life. I think everyone should have an iphone. That’s the way to go and to be cool.

Have the images from the media seduced me to buy the iphone? I think so! I love that the commercials tell me how to use it in different ways that I haven’t even explored. The commercials are short. It’s almost like a short tutorial about the product. Everytime I see a commercial or an ad, I pay attention because I think I might learn something.

The iphone has trained me to be a dedicated user to them. I wonder what they will come out with next to help me on this communication adventure?

I need my iphone 4G!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, media, including commercials, ads, and photographs all tells you something about a product. And if they want to sell you something, they will tell you all the great things about the product that they’re trying to sell. But what about the negatives?

    Speaking of iphone, many of my friends got it too, some got it on the first days, and some, like you got it a bit later because everyone was talking about it. But does it mean that this product is really that great?

    After hearing my friends’ endless bragging about iphone in the first week or so, I started to hear them talking about the negatives such as the inconvenient size, blackouts, freezes while using the GPS function and most importantly, bad reception.

    I’m sure you have your moments like these too, but did they tell you about them in the ads and commercials? No.

    But as much as I know what commercials and ads are all about(selling you something), I can’t help to fall into the traps too. I, too, will buy stuff that I thought would be useful (like the juicy blending machine), but ends up using it only once- the day I got it. I will also go shopping with my to-buy-list but end up buying WAY more than I should because of all the ads that tells me “GET THIS! IT”S A SUPERBUY!”

    Well, I guess this is the whole point of ads and commercials- luring you to buy stuff. And if you decide to get the product at the end, with a clear mind, then you used the information wisely. But if you just buy things blindly( just because they tell you to), then you’re just another victim of these, sometimes, misleading sources of information.
