Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Code Revisited

After reading Hall's complete lecture, I wanted to come back and embellish more of my thoughts about how I felt about his view.

I agree with Hall that communication is power and those with the power are able to get their messages out to the world. Youtube is a perfect example of a medium that uses it power to connect others with their product. I've had countless conversations with friends about what video is the most watched video from week to week. In addition, we have discussions about what the most popular videos are and why.

Youtube has proven that it has power over us.

But, have we let them control us without our knowing it? Of course, we have! We are a society and generation that relies on media that is fast and quick. We want to be entertained immediately. If we aren't, we quickly move to something that does.

In many ways, Youtube satisfies our need to a quick fix of moving pictures that capture our senses. We are constantly bombarded with videos of people doing things we like, wished we could do, or never imagined doing in our lifetime.

I think the problem our society faces is finding meaning in these images. I worry that Youtube connects people on a superficial level rather than the deep connection we get when we are face to face with someone else. Besides, are the images we see so important to us that we spend countless hours watching them over and over again?

Overall, I think Youtube has changed how we view images in our society. I think it has enabled people to "connect" in ways that we have never done before. But, do these images truly represent who we are or are they just a way to entertain us?

Personally, I think the images represent who we are as a society. We have created this world to satisfy the desire to show the world our personal lives that we weren't able to do in the past. We have now identified with each other that our world is just as diverse as it has always been. But, more than ever, we are exposed to images we have only dreamed about.

Time will tell if our new discovery can take on more than it can chew!!

While Rosen argues that viewers of Youtube are mindlessly watching, Hall believes that the viewer is constantly making personal judgements and decisions as to the content and meaning of what they see.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you from being control using Youtube. I use to go onto Youtube to watch video. I may miss something and go watch it on Youtube. Youtube's media is so popular many of us use it. Yes, there is a problem on our society faces on the meaning of these images. Does the images mean anything? Well, it's hard to decide. Some of us may think there's a meaning to it but others may not. Images do present us who we are in our society. Images are being created by us.
