Saturday, September 19, 2009

In Search of Perfection

The movie I watched was the Stepford Wives starring Nicole Kidman and Matthew Broderick. The theme of the movie was control. Specifically control of the women in the town of Stepford. What struck me the most was that there were some parallels in the life that we live in. Do we really live in a "perfect" world. If so, who created it? Did we? Or did we have someone else tell us that our lives are perfect if we drive the right car, live in the right neighborhood or even have the perfect partner for life?

I believe that living in the perfect world is a world that we create it to be. But, we must be resilient enough to withstand the hard times when things don't always go our way. When we live the life we want to, I think we are filled with a purpose that no one else can understand. In the movie, the perfect world was created by the men of Stepford. They believed that they could create a world where their wives were perfect. They would cook, clean and wait on them hand and foot. I don't think the men really got the perfection they desired. What they really wanted was to feel in control and worthy of their wives. In creating the perfect mate, the men only created the weaknesses of their own lives. Since they couldn't be perfect on the inside, they wanted a world that was perfect on the outside. In doing so, they were living a fantasy that would eventually end up badly. It is only when we look inside ourselves that we face who we are completely. All the good and the bad. The perfect traits and the imperfections of our character are the things we have to live with.

I know for myself, my life has had it's challenges. The movie was interesting to compare it to my own adventures in this world. I've tried to build my life the way I wanted it and to be as perfect as possible. Yet, in doing so, it's my drive to succeed that has made me who I am today. I wonder if I'm trying to find perfection only to find that perfection is really all my imperfections.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that we create this world we think is perfect to us and that we can withstand hardship. In all sense, this movie created a flash back of how it was a couple of decades ago. Men wanted their wives to cook, clean and obey their orders because they are the one that brought the money home. So the men were in control in the same sense as the stepford wives, but close to it in my opinion. I learned an important lesson from your blog and that is we have to live with our perfect traits and imperfections. That perspective is very true. We do have to accept who we are even if certain traits that we behold have many flaws,but we also learn to deal with them and make some kind of good out of it. Very interesting with your last sentence in your blog. It's a good insight that you think your imperfections might be a combination to find your perfection. It's an interesting analysis of your life. Maybe we are all over reacting to how we are. Maybe in some sort of sense, we are all perfect even though we have flaws in our lives. What makes us think that perfection is defined in the dictionary correctly. I guess it's up to our outlook of how we want to control over lives and control what we think is perfect.
