Tuesday, December 1, 2009

My Class with Janet Jackson

For this blog, we were asked to read Carl Jung's book, Man and His Symbols. Jung discusses the symbolism in dreams and how we "work out" what we don't deal with in our real life. Our assignment was to write about a dream we had and then discuss some of the symbolism we thought our "unconscious" is trying to tell us.

My dream starts off with me at a gym. The colors of the gym are primarily blue with mirrors strategically put around the walls so people can see themselves working out. I don't see anyone else around the gym. But, it feels as if there are people around somewhere. The gym contains the usual workout equipment and it feels as if it is a big gym that is multi-level. I walk up some stairs to the second floor and discover that I've entered the area where they have a studio with mirrors in the front where classes are taught. Being in fitness, I'm use to seeing this in places I've worked. This particular setup was more of a nightclub that was an open area with a DJ area near the front of the studio. I look around the space and see that people are waiting for a class to start. The sun is shining on the studio floor and I feel a warmth coming through the open doors beyond the workout area. I then realize that I'm the teacher for the class and it's a hip hop style dance class. Then, I proceed to get my music ready. I approach the stereo to test my music and suddenly notice that the studio is filling up with more students. In the center of all the people is Janet Jackson! I begin to sweat nervously, but feel that I can handle the situation. Being a huge fan, I decide that I'm going to play one of her songs. But, then feel that she might get embarrassed and more importantly, I'll look like I'm trying to impress her. I notice the clock on the wall and it's 11:00 am. For some reason, I'm unable to find my music and a stir from the students begins to get my attention. They realize that I can't find my music or something is wrong with the stereo. I start sweating. I think about Plan B. But, I really don't have a Plan B! I look up at the clock and it's now 11:10 am. Still, can't find my music and Janet Jackson is staring at me. I try and figure out what I'm going to do. Thoughts pass through my head... should I make something up? Should I get someone from the front desk to help me? Should I talk to Janet Jackson and ask her for help? I sweat more. I'm calm but embarrassed that I can't get it together. I look up and now people are starting to leave. I look at the clock and it's now 11:20 am. I haven't said anything but I'm hoping that they can tell I'm trying to figure the music out. I'm pressing buttons and turning the power switch on and off. Still nothing. Thoughts run through my head that Janet Jackson is going to say something to her friends that the teacher couldn't get it together. I try and stay calm throughout the ordeal and wonder if this is really happening.

I wake up.

I frown.

I shake my head in disbelief.

I laugh at the thought of Janet Jackson.

I laugh at the thought that I was teaching a dance class to Janet Jackson.

I go back to sleep.

There were a lot of symbols that showed up in my dream. First, the building. I work at a couple of health clubs. But, this gym was multi-level and painted blue. I think this gym represents me. Or maybe my own house for my thoughts about who I am. The mirrors are times that I reflect on my actions and my affect on those around me. Second, one of my fears is relying on technology to work for me. I sometimes get obsessed with checking to see if my computer is on or if the television is working properly. As stupid as they may seem, I still do it. Third, Janet Jackson being in my dream was just weird. Like I said, I'm a big fan and I think I might have been listening to one of her songs before I went to sleep. Or maybe I thought of someone who reminds me of her. In any case, I enjoy her music and her dancing. I always thought it would be cool if I danced with her. Well, I tried at least in my dream. But, the sad part was that the technology wasn't working and I couldn't show off my moves to her. Fourth, the people in the room I believe were people who know me and always support me even at my lowest points. The people in the class weren't mad but they were concerned, just like my friends and family. There was also some feelings of regret. Feelings that I wasn't able to do my best. I think that's one thing that I stress about in life. I try very hard to do many things. I want to be good at everything and sometimes it feels frustrating that I can't do it all!

I didn't give it much thought until writing this blog. It's weird, but I think when we think about what we dream, it gives us a different look at what's happening when we're awake. Sometimes the dreams can be funny or scary. But, I think our unconscious mind does speak to us especially in our dreams!